
The science of little flying machines

under development

Hi there.

Modern electronics and MEMS sensors allow flight test data gathering at the small scale in research quality. Suddenly, investigations previously limited to the major airframe companies and research institutions are available to anyone with some understanding of electronics and software development.

On this site I present some of the tools and results from my own research efforts. Maybe it will inspire someone to realise similar projects or to contribute to the ones presented.

kVIS3 – Professional Data Visualisation

A fully featured Matlab application for visualisation and analysis of time sampled data. Based on 10+ years of experience in academia and industry.


An aircraft design and analysis software for Matlab built on the AVL and Panair solvers.

Research Aircraft

My instrumented planes (current and retired) including my own designs


A research grade avionics system for UAV

UAVmainframe GCS

A engineering focused ground station app for the MAVlink protocol – in early development

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